Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Staffing
New technology helps solve staffing shortages by using artificial intelligence to create dynamic staffing models
Honoring the Accomplishments of Black Medical Leaders
SCP Health recognizes and honors the accomplishments and advancements of black medical leaders throughout history.
The Outstanding Benefits of Empathy
Discover the many outstanding benefits of clinician empathy in the practice of medicine and how it helps improve patient care.
Academic Medical Centers and Management Partnerships
Management partnerships with academic medical centers reduces the administrative burden on leadership and clinicians
ICU Liberation: Improving Patient Quality of Life
ICU liberation puts evidence-based practices in place to improve critically ill patients’ quality of life post-discharge.
6 Clinician Strategies to Consider for 2022
Dr. Randy Pilgrim compiled six key strategies to direct clinician focus for success in 2022 and for the future of health care.
Social Networks for Doctors
Social media is helping everyone stay connected, even physicians. Check out these top social networks designed for doctors.
Health Care Strategies for 2022
The health care industry needs to strategize to account for growing shortages and gaps. Read our four strategies for 2022.
What You Learn First Year Post-Residency
The transition from resident to clinician is significant, and you may be surprised that you learn the most your first year out.
Working Through the Holidays
Working through the holidays is no fun, but there are ways to bring holiday spirit and joy to the workplace.