National Doctor’s Day 2020: Finding (and Holding on to) Your ‘Why’
Physicians, the path you’ve chosen is not easy. Use the advice shared in this blog post to stay excited about your work and passionate about your purpose.
Healing Warriors: Stories from the Front Lines of COVID-19 Part I
The first installment of our new series, Healing Warriors, comes straight from an SCP Health critical care physician on the front lines of battling COVID-19.
Best Practice Guide for Virtual Provider-Patient Communications
Learn the advantages and challenges of telemedicine services, tips for how to fulfill HIPAA and HHS requirements, explain how telehealth works, and more.
Immediate Inpatient Surge Coverage: Powered by eHealth
This post is the first of a series highlighting how partners are quickly and effectively handling challenges brought on by COVID-19.
Embracing Diversity in Healthcare
Diversity is a highly important and complex topic. We define the term abd explore the importance of embracing diversity in hospital staffing models.
Healing Warriors: Stories from the Front Lines of COVID-19 Part II
The second installment of our series, Healing Warriors, comes from SCP Health employees who are helping communities navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Necessity of Developing Teamwork in the ICU
Critical care medicine in the ICU requires dedicated teamwork, deep respect, clear communication, and collaborative attitudes to be truly excellent.
What Does It Take to Be an ‘Innovative’ Healthcare Organization?
Learn why innovation matters in healthcare, how to structure your organization to be innovative, and how SCP is driving innovative care management.
Impact of COVID-19 on Physician Employment: 6 Tips for Practice Management
Learn tips for effective practice management to help improve hospital operations, optimize provider jobs, and generate significant cost savings.
Recognizing Patient Experience Week: The Impact of Hospital Medicine
Educate your hospital medicine teams on how to create positive patient experiences—and recognize them for successful patient experience initiatives.