As we close out the year, we can’t help but fondly look back on the SCP Health blog’s finest moments of 2019.
It’s no surprise that the most-read posts included topics like patient experience, physician productivity, telemedicine, and clinician career trends. Also topping the list: the unveiling of SCP Health’s new brand and renewed vision.
We hope you enjoy this roundup of our five most popular blog posts from 2019:
1. A W.I.S.E. Approach to Patient Satisfaction
In a healthcare environment characterized by increasing consumerism and disruption, we recommend hospitals take a “W.I.S.E.” approach to patient satisfaction. One of our physician leaders, Dr. Kenneth Heinrich, explained that “W.I.S.E.” represents the four primary drivers of patient satisfaction: Wait Times, Information Delivery, Symptom Reduction, and Expressive Quality.
Keep reading to explore how to apply a W.I.S.E. approach at your facility >
2. Exploring New Opportunities in Hospital-Based Medicine
Given the current healthcare staffing issues, new and experienced physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants are in a unique position to explore medical career opportunities that best suit their lifestyle and needs, such as strong leadership, better work-life balance, and a cohesive team.
Now’s the time for clinicians to take a long, hard look at hospital-based medicine opportunities and any career changes that accompany them.
Discover which six opportunities you should consider >
3. The Journey to SCP Health
Over time, just as the healthcare environment has evolved, so too has our vision which encompasses a broader role as a clinical service partner.
As we continued to grow and push forward into new services and new regions, it became clear there was a need to better communicate who we are and what we offer. So, we set out to reimagine ourselves.
Read more about our transformation >
4. Four Steps to Improving Physician Productivity
The single most important thing healthcare executives can do to impact clinical productivity is remove the key barriers that those clinicians face. SCP Health’s Lisa Fry and Dr. Stephen Nichols identified four critical steps to eliminating roadblocks to physician performance:
- Remove the common barriers to physician performance
- Select the right leadership
- Select the best way to measure your programs’ productivity and operational efficiencies
- Ensure incentive alignment
Discover how these simple steps can support your revenue growth strategies >
5. How Is Telemedicine Contributing to Healthcare in America?
As we close the decade, it’s meaningful to look back on how the evolution of innovations like telemedicine solutions have changed the healthcare landscape. Once reserved for treating patients in remote areas, telehealth is increasing in popularity thanks to today’s connected consumer who prefers immediate answers over time spent in a doctor’s waiting room.
Learn how telemedicine has (and will continue to) impact care delivery >