Comprehensive Services

SCP Health- Patient Innovation.

Provide an Innovative Patient Experience

SCP Health- Increase overall inpatient capacity and reduce staffing shortages.

Increase Overall Inpatient Capacity and Reduce Staffing Shortages

SCP Health - Reduce Patient Transition.

Reduce Patient Transitions and Gaps in Care

SCP Health - High-Quality, cost-effective patient care.

Deliver High-Quality, Cost-Effective Patient Care

Health leader discussing the clinical command center offered by SCP Health.

Clinical Command Center

SCP Health’s physicians, nurses, and operating leaders partner with your inpatient and in-home care providers to:

  • Identify patients who would benefit by receiving acute hospital care at home
  • Create and manage care plans for the at-home inpatient census
  • Deliver home-based patient care delivery
  • Conduct regular rounding visits
  • Oversee and co-manage visits with in-home providers
  • Monitor patient recovery
  • Engage patients post-discharge
Doctor taking notes while offering care through the Home's In-Home Services Network.

In-Home Services Network

In addition to providing clinical resources, SCP Health partners with organizations that can support the creation of an in-home care network and can manage the ongoing logistics within your acute care in the home program including:

  • In-home clinician network (nurses, therapists, EMTs)
  • Laboratory testing
  • Mobile radiology
  • Pharmacy and food
  • Transportation logistics/services scheduling and coordination

Patients heal better at home, and for many patients, high-acuity care can be delivered safely in the comfort and familiarity of their homes. The at home patient journey typically begins in the emergency department and continues through the discharge process and post-acute follow-up care.

Patient receiving advanced care in the home through the phone.
Doctor speaks with health professionals about the future of healthcare.

How a specialized clinical team enhances hospital-at-home programs

Unlocking success

Contact Us

Would you like to learn more about our advanced care in the home solutions for your hospital? Please reach out by filling out the form to:

  • Schedule a VIP meeting
  • Request a consultation
  • Speak with a clinical expert
  • Chat with a recruiter
  • Get in touch with a scheduler
  • Contact a sales representative
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