Leveraging NPs and PAs to Maximize Success in Hospital Medicine Programs

Learn the benefits of leveraging nurse practitioners and physician assistants in your hospital medicine program to maximize success.
The Important Role Telemedicine Is Playing in Hospital Medicine
Telemedicine allows hospitals to provide quality treatment in a timely manner while still providing personalized patient care.
Profiles in Partnership: SCP Partner Hospital, Physician Demonstrates ‘Healing Power of Presence’
SCP Hospital Medicine physician Dr. Zeglis, demonstrates quality healthcare and patient satisfaction includes listening to the patient.
5 Ways for Hospital Executives to Improve Patient Satisfaction in the ED
Ensuring patients are well satisfied can be a challenge in the ED. SCP recommends 5 tips for CXOs to drive excellence in patient experience.
6 Hospital Management Strategies to Thrive in Today’s Healthcare Environment
Strategic planning in healthcare organizations is challenging. These 6 strategies can help achieve your hospital strategic goals.
Benefits of Establishing a JOC to Enhance EM-HM Collaboration
Joint Operations Committee brings emergency medicine and hospital medicine programs together to improve the patient experience.
5 Ways ED Clinical Providers Can Improve Patient Experience
As a clinician, patients demand improved patient experience in the ED and payors reward it. Here are 5 ways you can improve patient experience.
Optimizing NPs and PAs in Your ED Program: What’s the Outlook?
The future outlook for NPs and PAs in the ED points to growth – to lower costs, share workload and increase throughput.
Register for Rethinking Standardization Webinar
Top 3 reasons to register for our interactive Modern Healthcare webinar, Rethinking Standardization, on July 18 at 12 p.m. EST
Mid-Year Resolution Check-In: How Are Your Profit-Building Plans Going?
SCP provides 5 key strategies to help you continue to reach your profit-building goals for your health system.