Waiting Room Neglect: 5 Ways to Reduce Hospital Wait Times and Increase Patient Loyalty
Solving hospital waiting room times is not easy. Discover five ways to improve wait times by targeting quality, throughput, and patient satisfaction.
How Is Telemedicine Contributing to Healthcare in America?
Once reserved for treating patients in remote areas – telemedicine is increasing in popularity. Explore telemedicine benefits its impact on healthcare.
4 Benefits of Using an Outsourced Hospital Management Services Organization
Discover 4 benefits outsourced hospital management services provide by removing the burden of non-clinical responsibilities in hospitals.
5 Drivers of Positive Patient Satisfaction
Learn what the five aspects driving patient satisfaction and four initiatives your health system can take to improve overall patient satisfaction.
What Does the Future Hold for EM and HM Physicians?
With the growth of the physician shortage, what does the future looks like for physicians across emergency and hospital medicine?
Why Is Revenue Cycle Management Important to Healthcare?
In today’s healthcare reimbursement environment, effective hospital revenue cycle management is important to increase hospital revenue.
Preparing for Difficult Palliative Care Conversations
Discover the difference between hospice and palliative care, along with tricks and resources to aid in palliative care conversations.
5 Top Blogs Post of 2019
SCP reflects on the most popular healthcare topics of 2019: Patient Satisfaction, Physician Productivity, Telemedicine, and Hospital Staffing Issues.
10 Guidelines for Improving Communication and Teamwork in Your Hospital
Effective communication is critical in any industry, especially healthcare. Boost satisfaction across your hospital by utilizing these 10 guidelines.
Partnership Story: Building a Reputation of Quality for HM, EM, and ICU Programs
Learn how SCP helped implement a new hospital management strategy to improve hospital quality measures for an EM, HM, and ICU program at one facility.